There are plenty of myths about weight loss. This guide is researched and backed with facts about weight loss. There are many ways in which you can lose weight naturally without the need for diet pills or weight loss pills.
Weight loss plan differs from person to person. However, there are a few tips that are fundamental in maintaining a proper weight loss regime. Here are the top seven weight loss tips that actually work.
1. Eat Eggs For Breakfast
It quite unfortunate if you are not a fan of eggs. Studies show that eating whole eggs for breakfast instead of cereals is a great way to lose weight. If you are having a breakfast full of grain products you need to start cutting them down to reduce your calorie intake. However, if you cannot eat eggs at all, use any other protein for breakfast other than cereals or wheat products.
2. Drink Coffee
The caffeine in coffee is an essential component of weight loss. Research has shown that coffee is loaded with essential antioxidants. The caffeine helps boost the body metabolism by up to 11%. This, in turn, leads to increased fat burning by up to 30%. It is critical to ensure that you do not drink too much sugar alongside the coffee. If possible use natural sugars such as honey.
3. Drink Green Tea
Green tea is loaded with antioxidants called catechins. The most important of these is EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), a bioactive substance that has powerful effects on metabolism. These, in combination with the caffeine in the tea, work together to speed up the body metabolism and fat burning process. Research has proved that green tea is a good weight loss supplement for those who intend to lose weight. It is best to consume organic green tea without any added sugar.
4. Use Coconut Oil
Cooking with coconut oil can go a long way in your quest to lose weight. Research shows that coconut oil contains special fats called triglycerides which hold different metabolism properties from other oils. These fats can boost metabolism by up to 120 calories per day. They also reduce your appetite so that you can consume less. You should, however, not add this oil to your already cooked foods. You should practice the culture of cooking with coconut oil. Try replacing your kitchen oil with coconut oil for optimal results.
5. Glucomannan Supplement
A glucomannan supplement will only help you reduce the amount of calorie intake other than increasing your calorie loss. A fiber known as glucomannan has been shown to cause weight loss in various studies. The fiber absorbs water and stays in your gut making you feel full for a long time hence reduced food intake. People who use this supplement tend to lose more weight than those who don’t.
6. Avoid Sugar
In the modern western culinary, every food has added sugar. Studies show that added sugar products are likely to cause obesity. Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are great contributors to weight gain. To be on the safe side, avoid any food with added sugars. Get used to reading labels and ingredients before you buy any food product. Even some of the so-called health foods are victim to high sugar contents.
7. Avoid Refined Carbs
Carbohydrates are the largest contributors to your calories. If there was a way we could completely avoid carbs, it would easy for most people to lose weight. Most refined carbs have been eroded of their fiber and nutritious contents. Such products include pasta white bread etc. They are usually high in sugars which increase blood sugar levels. This may lead to food craving and hence increased food intake. While the amount carbs we consume should be minimized, you should only consume carbs in their whole form i.e. with their natural fibers. Include more of wholesome recipes in your diet and avoid junk food as much as possible.
You can actually attain weight loss through natural means. If you are not a fan of weight loss pills or exercise then choosing a healthy lifestyle is your only option. Avoid food that is loaded with calories. Be mindful of what you eat and try to eat slowly. This can prevent you from overeating. Don’t forget to take some additional supplement like a good whey protein shake on a daily basis. Consume products and supplements that enhance metabolism and the fat burning processes such as coffee and green tea. This will not only help in fat loss but also in blood circulation add as a result boosting your overall health.
The journey to losing weight it is not always easy. You may end up losing focus and following the wrong advice. There are no hidden secrets on how to lose weight. You simply increase the calories out and decrease the calories in.