Recovery is a delicate process that should be handled carefully. Slip ups are easy to be made that can be detrimental to recovery that can result in relapse. These can be simple to avoid once they are made aware of.
Here are five of them:
Not Attending A Gender Specific Rehab:
Often times, when a man or woman enters treatment, they are easily distracted by the opposite sex. This can easily be eliminated by attending a gender specific rehabilitation program. In addition, a gender-specific rehabilitation program will focus on the needs of that gender. Overall, it will be less of a distraction. “‘Since 1994, the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) has put extra research time and money into the study of addiction gender specifically because they understand that the needs and problems of men and women differ from each other.’ Each gender has proven to treat therapy for addiction differently. Living in a home with people that are the same sex as you can be beneficial when coping with therapy. When you are spending your time and money somewhere, you would want to obtain the maximum benefits from the treatment available.”
Taking Prescription Medication While In Recovery:
It is always important to explore non-narcotic options while in recovery. If an addict does not, they may fall victim to relapse. Here’s why: “Taking medications as prescribed is one thing, but consider a scenario where a recovering addict was prescribed a medicinal dose of alcohol. Obviously, such a case would be unlikely, but many would argue that prescribing painkillers is inherently the same thing. Opiates are addictive drugs, and taking these drugs activates the physical symptom of addiction that gives addicts the insatiable appetite for more. As the introductory ‘Doctor’s Opinion’ in the AA text states: alcoholics ‘cannot start drinking without developing the phenomenon of craving,’ which makes drinking/using drugs a physical necessity.If addicts and alcoholics cannot use ANY mind-altering substances safely, then how can we reconcile this with the advice of a medical professional, which may include taking painkillers for chronic pain. Here are some things to think about before you jump to any conclusions.” Likewise, in addition to taking narcotic painkillers, it can be a slippery slope to taking narcotic anti-anxiety medications. These medications, also known as tranquilizers, are highly addictive, and act on the brain the same way as alcohol does. The cause tolerance which quickly leads to dependence, and getting off them leads to withdrawal with symptoms that can be deadly without medical attention.
Getting Into A New Relationship Too Early Into Recovery:
As a rule of thumb, a newly recovering addict should never get into a new relationship within a year of their recovery. This is because so early into their recovery they may not be able to handle a breakup without relapsing. There is also the adversity that goes along with relationships that can be a distraction from recovery, which should be number one so early on in recovery. Staying clean and sober at the beginning stages of recovery until a recovering addict is stable is the most important, and nothing should take away from that. Focusing on oneself is the number one priority at this stage in recovery.
Drinking Alcohol While In Recovery:
This is actually a bigger mistake than one might think. The problem with this is this is that it opens the door for other substances. Once an addict is under the influence of alcohol, they tend to think, “You know what would go really well with this…” and before they know it they are reaching for their drug of choice. In addition, they are trading one drug for another. Addiction is a powerful force that does not know the difference between substances. It can be extremely easy to fall victim to alcoholism just as it was to fall victim to drug addiction.
Smoking Marijuana While In Recovery:
This is truly trading one drug for another. It is all too easy to become mentally addicted to marijuana. Marijuana can lead to a mental dependence and can lead to memory loss and lethargy with a lack of motivation. Its use can distract one from their recovery. Those who use it take themselves away from recovery and really isolate themselves from their recovery community. Some joke that they are on the “marijuana maintenance program;” however, it is no laughing matter, those who use marijuana are not clean at all. They are really hindering themselves from the freedom of a clean and sober life. In order to really be free from active addiction, an addict must let go of all substances and cleanse their life of any mind and mood altering substance.
In order to be successful in recovery, an addict must be free of all substances, and be vigilant in their recovery. Addicts, when dedicated in their recovery, are resilient in nature. They possess high willpower when they search within themselves, and have the strength to do anything they set their mind to. Following these tips, they can truly experience success in recovery and go on to live happy, successful lives.
Author Biography
In 2012, after seeing a need for resources in her community, Erica took a leap of faith and founded Center For Healing Behavioral Health Services, LLC. Center for Healing opened its doors with the intention of making treatment accessible and personal. Erica wanted a place where people were known and not treated like a number.